Supporting Action Against Hunger in the implementation of cohesive Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) systems focused on data collection, analysis and reporting in line with proposals and agreed plans at the Base level
Objective 1: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Operationalize the MEAL framework at the project/base level and ensure compliance with project/program MEAL tools for data collection, verification, and management and reporting as well as data audit requirements;
- Contribute to the development, design and planning to ensure that project have a clear and feasible strategy towards impact that is in line with Action Against Hunger’s mission and strategy, and they include clearly defined measurable indicators of outputs, outcomes and impact.
- Contribute to outcome and evidence-based strategic decision-making specific to the project and/or in the Base and promote a culture of evidence-based learning and adaptation.
- Assist the Head of Project to develop systematic and realistic monitoring plans that capture quantitative and qualitative data to report on project performance indicators.
- Follow?up on monitoring and evaluation exercises for various initiatives at project/Base level.
- Monitor and evaluate overall progress on achievement of results as well as the sustainability of the project results and report periodically to the MEAL Officer in coordination with the MEAL and other sectoral Coordinators.
Objective 2: Accountability
- Contribute to a culture of accountability and transparency during project implementation;
- Support in the management and roll-out of locally appropriate, financially viable, and effective complaints and response mechanisms according to Action Against Hunger’s MEAL Framework.
- Support the monitoring and implementation of feedback and response mechanisms at project level.
- Support and promote two-way beneficiary communications in activity and MEAL systems design and facilitate information sharing with beneficiaries and partners to ensure transparency in all stages of implementation.
Objective 3: Archiving and Documentation
- Support in maintaining the systems for archiving documents, tools, data files, analysis files, reports and SOVs, and presentations for the project.
- Support in the development of programs and operational reporting templates that facilitate the acquisition and aggregation of information in projects/programs, including input for impact related success stories.
- Assist in gathering, summarizing and disseminating relevant technical updates on program planning monitoring, evaluation and operations research within the project.
- Support in the coordination of mid?term reviews and evaluation of program activities to ensure proper documentation of innovative approaches and best practices for dissemination and sharing experiences are done to promote repeat applications or scaling?up in different community settings
- Adhere to the Mission reporting system and submit the reports requested on-time.
- Support in the management of various knowledge management platforms employed by the project/base.
Objective 4: Capacity Building and Learning
- Provide support in the building of capacity for local communities and partners on the logical framework, data management, data analysis and results?oriented programming, monitoring and evaluation methods and principles and report writing techniques and requirements for relevant donors to ensure compliance.
- Support in the organization and coordination of lessons learned workshops/review of program work plans with partners and other stakeholders
- Suggest strategies to the Base Management Staff for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the project by identifying bottlenecks in completing project activities and developing plans to minimize or eliminate them.
Objective 5: Safety and Security
- Respect the Security rules of Action Against Hunger and coordinate with the Security Officer / Head of Base / Head of Project / MEAL Officer for any security issues relating to work.
- Report any security or other incidents in the field that may interrupt project activities and safety of staff directly to Base Security Officer / Head of Base / Head of Project / MEAL Officer.