Objective 1: Overall logistical lead and support to the Base
- Ensure that Action Against Hunger infrastructure is adequately set up in terms of offices, guest house, warehousing and storage facilities.
- Ensure that Action Against Hunger’s logistics and quality control procedures are implemented using the Kit Log V3
- Represent the Logistics when appropriate with external organisations such as the Logistics Cluster.
- Provide effective and timely field logistics support to the project.
Support and supervision of the supply chain:
- Implementation and monitoring of the procurement and quality control tools
- Ensure transparency and accountability in all aspects of procurement and other supply chain procedures
- Establish strong relations with local suppliers and set up a supplier data base
- Implement Action Against Hunger supply chain procedures and compliance with donor regulations
- Responsible for adherence to the charter of principles and the ethics code. Implementation of the anti-fraud policy within the logistics department
Communication Equipment:
- Ensure effective use and maintenance of Action Against Hunger communications equipment such as satellite phones, BGAN’s and VHF radios
- Analysis of new requirements and the cost/efficiency of existing systems
Equipment Management:
- Ensure that all Action Against Hunger equipment is registered and accounted for according to Kit Log V3
- Manage and maintain equipment according to internal and donors’ guidelines
- Ensure the correct and documented transfer of equipment on completion of projects
Fleet Management Support:
- Fleet planning (renewal, monitoring) and the establishment of usage rules according to requirements
- Management and supervision of mission transport and vehicles (rented and purchased).
- Supervision and planning of vehicle movements within the areas.
- Initiate and/or monitor the maintenance and control of vehicles in accordance with Kit Log v3 procedures
Logistics Reporting:
- Maintain regular and effective communication with the Logistics Coordinator
- Provide logistics updates and reports to the Logistics Coordinator as required.
Objective 2: Lead financial management of the base
- Analyzing the consistency of cash forecasts with the BFU and keeping the Finance Department and Team Leader informed
- By the structure of the financing plan, taking part in allocating costs to the D3CM UNICEF contract.
- Analyse that projected expenses is in line with the approved budget.
- Anticipating and monitoring financial risks (budget overspends, increased costs, lost invoices, lost deposits etc.) and keeping the Finance Manager and Team leader well informed.
Objective 3: Ensure appropriate bank management of the project
- In charge of all the bank accounts of the project.
- Supervise update bank book on daily basis according to each transaction.
- Since Action Against Hunger is using an internet banking system, it is necessary to make sure that for each transaction we have enough support documents in place.
- Implement and respect the Action Against Hunger authorization expenses procedure, requiring the authorization from the Country Director or Team Leader in all payment transactions and supporting documentation
- Make the necessary exchange and other bank operations, such as bank reconciliations.
- Responsible for collating forecast of expenditures of the mission for 3 months – deadline on / or before the 13th (1st fortnight) and the 26th (2nd fortnight).
- Ensure that the funds are available in the base to accommodate project needs and settle obligations. Coordinate requests, if necessary, with other bases for unresolved fund issues.
- In charge of keeping trace of any communicated documents with bank and keeping a copy of said documents in separate folders.
Objective 4: Ensure appropriate cash management of the project
- Manage the cash books and cash boxes daily, on computer, following up and keeping the books of advances, respecting at any time the following rule: Balance of the book = cash count + unjustified advances.
- Release cash advance for a specific approved purchase, on presentation of an appropriate purchase order form, mentioning the budget line and validated by the Country Director or Team Leader and the Logistics department.
- Implement and respect the Action Against Hunger authorization expenses procedure, requiring the authorization from the Country Director or Team Leader in all payment transactions and supporting documentation.
Objective 5: Accountancy and budget management
- Follow up the monthly expenditures of the base according to the monthly budget given at the beginning of the month (validated forecast of expenditures).
- Check invoices/receipts: matching with the corresponding internal order form for the amount and the description of items in the base.
- Give the appropriate codification on all the invoices (budget lines, accounting codes).
- Follow up about kind contributions with partners and beneficiaries and report to Admin coordinator.
- Make sure that for kind contribution Action Against Hunger has justified support documents.
- Maintain an up-to-date and accurate accounting system ensuring daily data entry in AGRESSO.
- Do field visits in case of need.
- Check partners’ report and vouchers, making sure that reports coincide with Agresso and are in line with the signed contract.
Objective 6: Safety and Security
- Respect the Security rules of Action Against Hunger and coordinate with the Base Security Officer / Head of Base for any security issues relating to work
- Report any security or other incidents in the field that may interrupt project activities and safety of staff directly to Base Security Officer / Head of Base.